Being a pregnant runner

So lately a lot of people when they realize I’m pregnant say “oh so you’ve stopped running” or “can you run now??”. I try not to get too defensive and assume anything. And accept that some people genuinely still adapt that old school thought of ‘pregnant women shouldn’t exercise, and nonsense like the exercise will harm the baby and cause a miscarriage’ etc which is just the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. And then some people just want to learn more which is great:)

But the other group of Busy bodies: if these people read even one medical journal article or a book on staying healthy and being the best for your baby, they would quickly see there’s not a single doctor nurse or person who would attribute a miscarriage to someone staying fit and healthy during their pregnancy.

Now everyone’s pregnancy will be different and I’m not a doctor so I’m not saying if you have a high risk pregnancy to get out and run a marathon etc but I am just trying to highlight and diminish the negativity still attached with fitness when pregnant.

Everyone’s fitness level is different and activities vary, I listen to my body, I am not trying to prove anything . I love to run I worked very hard to become a marathoner and ultra runner, and now I’m embarking on the most important ultra event to date-my pregnancy journey. I have always applied myself taken care of my body and been dedicated and this pregnancy is no different.

I am committed to staying fit, and running through my pregnancy (all be it lower mileage, more toilet breaks, slower pace, downsizing to half marathons). I am embracing all the changes and listening to my body and the baby. My doctor said I’m one of the healthiest pregnant women she had seen in a long long time!!!and to keep exercising and maintaining my routine because that’s what my bodies always done. Resting heart rate was so slow it blew her mind, on account of being so fit!!

Here’s 2 examples of what pregnant runners have to deal with sometimes: and feel free to have a laugh I did!!

-I was around a lady recently who congratulated me on being pregnant(she knew I was a big runner) and then offered me a cocktail I politely said “thanks but I’m ok”, she proceeded then to regale me with laments of how one drink won’t harm the baby this early and she knows people who drank their whole pregnancy and had perfect babies. I just said “oh ok but still no thanks.” Then in the next breathe she says “oh and you want to stop running and be very careful all that running will harm the baby “!!!!wtf!!
It’s this crazy double standard that makes this issue so controversial.

Secondly at the hospital- “do you smoke, drink, do drugs, get out of breath or lift heavy weights” it’s like how are weight lifting and getting out of breath same as drugs!!!!haha I’m sure someone will say there asking about work related weight etc but there really should be a second section for exercise related questions!!!

Everyone will always have an opinion so I want people to take from this-a more open mind about pregnancy and fitness and to women “run your own race and find “your”happy pace.

And to the nay Sayers I direct you this article from the Canadian medical journal published in the NY times:

“If a woman is physically active during pregnancy, she may boost the development of her unborn child’s brain, according to a heart-tugging new study of expectant mothers and their newborns.
The findings bolster a growing scientific consensus that the benefits of exercise can begin to accumulate even before someone is born.

It has long been suspected that a mother-to-be’s activity — or lack of it — affects her unborn offspring, which is not surprising, given how their physiologies intertwine.
Past studies have shown, for example, that a baby’s heart rate typically rises in unison with his or her exercising mother’s, as if the child were also working out. As a result, scientists believe, babies born to active mothers tend to have more robust cardiovascular systems from an early age than babies born to mothers who are more sedentary.”

My baby and I will see you at the finish line!!!

Long evenings are a coming…..

So with the clocks going forward this Sunday for us here in the states it’s time to make the most of “the stretch in the evenings:)” and the extra day light. I am still a morning runner and out the door before 530am but in the spring I like to take up something else too in the evening.
Even a walk on the beach or second run or cycle can be so refreshing. I know it’s hard to fit in even one training session never mind two in a day but it can be more motivating now it’s not dark after work.

Here’s a few tips I’ve picked up to fit workouts in once maybe twice when the evenings get longer:

Try something new every now and then it keeps you interested and connected .

Mix it up with a class or new activity.

Go in the evenings with a friend,partner,husband,wife etc make it a date.

Plan out your workouts at beginning of the week

Maybe plan every second day to have a lie in and work out in the evening instead.

Maybe give up the gym treadmill for all the beauty of a run outside and all the benefits of being in the outdoors.

Leave your gear out so as soon as you get home you don’t have time to change your mind:)

Treat yourself to a something new to wear for the spring look great feel great.

Sign up for a race/event

But most of all enjoy embracing the outdoors being fit and leading a healthy life for longer each day:)

“For two fitness”…..I’m an Ambassador for fitness when pregnant!

Well since my last ultra event I have been taking my mileage down a notch on account of being pregnant, but as always I was on the look out for another ambassador-ship where I could gel together being pregnant AND running and fitness. After much searching and disappointment at the lack of specific apparel for pregnant women I found F2F and that’s exactly where “For Two Fitness” comes into place. I have been chosen as an Ambassador for “for two fitness”


“- You are committed to a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your baby.  For Two Fitness® is comitted to you!  We are the premier maternity fitness apparel brand, proudly made in the USA and available worldwide. We serve and celebrate moms in a completely unique way.”

F2F specializes in maternity wear for pregnant women but be warned once you slip into one of their many gorgeous and comfy pieces you may want to wear it afterwards too!!!!They have alot of different series for me the “running for two” is my fav and perfect for me but they have cycling for two, sweating for two, toning for two etc. Their apparel varies from dry flow tanks, long sleeves to pants to outerwear. I will be sporting F2F “running for two” tank at my race on the 16th in Los gatos. F2F has also been featured in Shape magazine, Fitness, US weekly and much more. My second fave item is:

000-jkt-blgrIt is so so comfy and stretchy, just perfect for me expanding more!!!!


For Two Fitness have given me a special deal to share with you, Use code “Irishbaby” to save 20% on your entire purchase even sale items!! Code expires in 60 days and may not be used to purchase gift cards. I will also be a guest blogger on their F2F blog page so will keep you all posted. I am so excited to have been chosen, thanks Amanda:) and to represent such a wonderful milestone in maternity fitness wear.

And check out their web page at

Happy running.